Thursday, May 24, 2012

Joanna Klonsky (Pavona-4th Period)

On Thursday, February 2nd, we had the pleasure of interviewing Joanna Klonsky, a communication consultant. She is twenty-seven years young. For Joanna’s job she prepares speeches for politicians.  She has had this job for about five years and said, ‘I always cared about politics,’ which is why she chose this field. Being a communication consultant, she has her own business and said it was difficult in the beginning although now she is doing well. 

Joanna has faced many challenges but also achieved many goals in her job.  She said she faced a couple of challenges throughout her job. She stated some were ‘Being young, I’m twenty-seven, being a woman with my own business; they can mess with you, and not pay you on time’. In addition to that, she claimed she likes her job preparing speeches for politicians and said she has cared about politics since she was young. Even though she goes through having to work with underdogs, people who are unlikely to win, she continues to do her job very well.

Joanna cares deeply about her work. She believes that the job should not be about how much money someone makes. She thinks it should be about how well someone does at their job. Joanna stated, ‘Good guys don’t win a lot’.  She also thinks that people think there are backroom deals, so she tries to gain her clients’ trust and let them believe in what she says so they will not think badly of the politicians. 

Joanna thinks a hero does something brave. She said what she thinks a hero is, for example, would be someone who saves a person’s life. Joanna does not consider herself a hero. Although she does not consider herself a hero, she does make a difference for people. We asked if there was any advice she could give us. She said, ‘Don’t assume you’re too young to kick yourself out of the process’. By this she means not to let your age convince you that you cannot make a change. This is because you can, you as one person can do so much with hard work and dedication. Joanna said she would like to see more teens contributing to politics. She would like to see teens helping out with making posters and what not, to help the elections. She has seen teens help out with stuff like paperwork, making signs, and would like to see more of that. Due to her contributions to the community, she is a hero.

Written by Malgorzata K.

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